What people are saying.
"The event was really special. The students were on a natural high all the way back to Caldwell, so inspired by you and all the wonderful speakers. We laughed and reflected all the way back. It was incredibly affirming for them to be part of it. I'm always blown away by my wonderful students - you included! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I am blessed by your presence in my life and grateful beyond words for your generosity to my students. You are doing a great thing, you truly are. I don't think that you'll ever know how your actions create positive ripples for years beyond your actions, but I am as certain of this as I can be. Thank you."
— Dr. Rich, Caldwell University
"My heart is filled with gratitude and joy as I draft this post. Many thanks to Women Words and Wisdom for the generous scholarship. It was an honor to be a part of this event. Opportunities like these make me realize that there are organizations like Women, Words and Wisdom that support women around the world. Thank you for providing us Caldwell University students with the opportunity of expressing our thoughts in the most beautiful and impactful way through our essays. Women like you are an inspiration to young women like me. It was an amazing experience to hear powerful strong women talk about the current issues in the world. Thank you once again."
— A.K.
“I am very thankful for the scholarship that the Women, Words and Wisdom organization gave me, I believe that the best way to empower young females is through education. The essay I submitted talked about the importance of women having leadership positions, and how it can motivate younger generations. My family has always encouraged me to follow my dreams, but they also taught me to be ready for the challenges that sometimes women have to face in the workplace. Therefore, I encourage fellow students to always look out for ways to improve and be aware that adversity doesn’t mean you won’t achieve your goals.”
– Maria C.